The school will call you in the direct instance (provided they have updated details), if it is a regular attending child the school will call 4FUN as well. We would ask for the child to wait in the school office and as soon as our 1st driver has finished, they will be sent to the school to collect your child.
We would check with the school office in the 1st instance to make sure that the child was actually present. If so we would then check all areas of the school including toilets, classrooms, tech rooms. Upon completion we would then notify the school office again that the child is not present. We would call the parent and emergency next of kin. If still no luck we call the police and report a missing child.
As our drivers have anywhere from 2-4 schools to collect from, children must make their way to the designated waiting area AS SOON as the bell goes. Going to the shop, having a chat with friends, holds up the driver and leaves other children vulnerable waiting for the driver to arrive.
Staff is regularly sent on workshops and courses with NZ Career College, Out of School Care Network and more recently the Oscar Foundation. There is a minimum of 1 staff member on site within each programme who holds their 1st Aid certificates. Having a full NZ drivers License is a requirement and all but casual staff hold this. All staff when recruited is either parents themselves and or have worked with children (schools, other OSCAR programmes and or Early Childhood Care).
4FUN staff will make contact with you to advise. Depending on how unwell they are we may allocate them to the Sick Bay until you can arrive to collect them.
This is notified at the time of enrolment and or as you become aware. We have an allergy register and need to be aware of the allergy and medications required. Staffs are advised as well as the information is recorded in a common area for all staff to access
Please call us straight away to advise you will be running late. You will be charged a late fee of $10 for every 10 minutes after 615pm. i.e. If you collect at 625pm, you will be charged an additional $10 which will be added to your invoice.
The child is spoken to individually, dependant on what has happened, they could be sat in a quiet spot to think about their actions, write lines, or apologise. Or all of these.
We have a ZERO tolerance to bullying whether it is verbal or physical, therefore verbal or physical bullying will result in a child being dismissed from 4FUN care, effective close of business the day it happens. Parents will be advised upon collection if they have not already been contacted. There are NO warnings for this behaviour, as bullying is not accepted within 4FUN.
1:10 while onsite at 4FUN. 1:8 while off site (excursions trip days). 1:6 while at water excursions (Hot pools beach etc).
No problem. Just call us so that we can accommodate. The earliest the better.
No problem. Call or text us straight away so we can advise our drivers.
Unless otherwise specified only the parents/caregivers registered at enrolment time are permitted to collect children. Any person other than who is stated on the enrolment will be turn away. This is important to remember when you are sending other people in to collect your children. No permission, will result in 4FUN not releasing your children.
Please let us know as soon as possible so we can book your children in. Pricing will be either $39 for a full day and or $4.50 for early finishes.
No. Attendance is reconciled weekly (the week after your child attended), any absences will be issued with a credit note and or have your invoice amended to suit the accurate attendance.
You need to call or text in. This is SUPER important, so that we are not left searching the school for a child that is not there and or has already been collected
That’s ok. Leave a car seat with 4Fun and we will make sure that your child is in this seat for pick up and or drop off.
All 4FUN staff wears uniform. Blue T Shirts, Hoodies or jackets with the 4FUN logo’s on them.
4FUN pick up children from school within 15 minutes of their school finishing. Each school has their own waiting point. Please speak to staff to ensure that your children waiting the correct location.
Yes. We are CYF & WINZ approved, therefore you CAN apply for subsidies. To see if you are eligible see here. There will be no appointment necessary. Talk to us about your subsidy and we will have the correct forms completed and returned to the processing centre for you. By pass the Service Centre and delay to get to the processing centre.
Yes BUT, they are to be handed in to staff until parents collect their children.
Yes. Afternoon tea is provided to children upon arrival at after school care and or at afternoon tea time in the holidays. Afternoon tea can be any of the following; fruit, biscuits, popcorn, ready to eat after school snacks (sandwiches, mouse traps, spaghetti, baked beans etc).
Yes. Homework is part of our Before & After School Care timetable, so if after school care was missed or the children left early then their homework will be completed in the morning.
Staff leaves 4FUN at 8am. We service schools from Taupaki through to Woodlands, Park, so have some distance to travel. Therefore children are delivered to school no earlier than 30 minutes prior to their school commencement.
Yes. Most families bring in a box of cereal and leave on site. This is labelled so that only your family use.
All policies can be located here.