What if I forget to call 4FUN to collect my child and they are left waiting?

What action is taken if my child is not at the designated waiting area?

What qualifications do the 4FUN staff have?

What will 4FUN do if my child is unwell when collected from school?

What if my child has allergies?

Sometimes the traffic coming home from work is horrendous and I might run later than 6:15pm. What happens then?

What is your disciplinary action with children?

What is the Staff:Child ratio at 4FUN?

My rosters at work are always changing. Can I book my children in for different days each week and or at last minute?

What if I don’t need 4FUN to collect my child and its nearly school finish time?

I have a court/protection order. What happens if that person tries to collect my children from after school or from 4FUN?

What if my child has a Teacher Only day and or half day?

Do I have to pay if my child is absent?

What if my child is absent?

What if my child has a car seat?

How do my children know the 4FUN staff members?

How do my children get from school to 4FUN?

Can I get a WINZ Subsidy?

Can my children have their mobile phone & iPod?

Do you give them afternoon tea?

Do you do Homework?

What time do the kids get dropped off at school?

Do we need to bring Breakfast in?

What are the rules and regulations at 4FUN?